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RE: Better duck under that desk;

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"I’ll reply, if I may, to Werner's points later but I’d like first to look at the Meyer & Moran paper as people are suggesting it refutes Kuchner’s work. (Werner reports that it has already been criticised by “objectivists” - whatever they are - but I haven’t seen that so apologies if I go over old ground.)"

-- I'm not suggesting that the Meyer & Moran study refutes Kuchner's work, I'm suggesting it is relevant to the audibile quality of redbook vs. hi res, and that Kuchner's work is not.

The Meyer & Moran study conducted controlled listening tests using music, multiple reference audio systems and hundreds of trials with a variety of listeners, and concluded that the listners, who included audiophiles, mastering engineers, recording arts students, civilians, etc., could not hear the difference between hi-res files and exactly the same files run through A/D/A conversion and reduced to redbook specs.

Kuchner's study conducted controlled listening tests using two ribbon tweeters playing square waves, moved physically out of alignment with each other, and concluded that the listeners in that study could hear the physical alignment variations.

"Sadly, (a) some of those who cite the paper appear not to have read it and (b) while it is on a related topic, it is nevertheless on a different one. Point (a) may explain why (b) gets missed."

-- I have read it, I do understand that it is on a different topic. I also understand that the topic it addresses is related to the audibility of redbook vs hi res and Kuchner's study is not. Some people in this discussion, however, do not seem to understand that.

"The link that deskducker and Phelonious Ponk give is not to a journal paper but to a note on a blog about tests by “two veteran audio journalists who aren’t professional engineers”

-- I provided a link to the actual PDF of the paper in another post. Or you can search Meyer & Moran on Google and I'm sure you'll find it yourself. On the subject of redbook fidelity, I'll take the two journalist's study over Kurchner's work and the huge leap of faith and logic required to relate it to digital audio any day.


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Topic - 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate - Tony Lauck 19:26:14 07/26/09 ( 72)