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Computer Audio Asylum: RE: 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate by Phelonious Ponk

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RE: 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate

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"Informally, Kunchur has demonstrated that simplistic models of human hearing are not adequate to describe reality, and therefore that simplistic engineering approximations in the design of audio equipment may not be appropriate when designing the highest quality equipment."

More accurately, Kunchur has demonstrated that one simplistic model of human hearing yields different results than another simplistic model of human hearing. What he has NOT demonstrated, what his tests do not even imply, is anything meaningful about the complex models that are humans listening to real music through real, complex, audio reproduction systems.

That requires controlled, unsighted listening tests.


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Topic - 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate - Tony Lauck 19:26:14 07/26/09 ( 72)