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Computer Audio Asylum: RE: 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate by Ryelands

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RE: 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate

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Phelonious Ponk wrote:

The body of music I'm interested in that is available on hi-rez is quite small

That's probably true for most of us who listen to music rather than audio systems (which is a perfectly respectable hobby but of lesser interest to me).

I'll probably not wade through that report.

Try the outline paper at least - it's always a good idea to read more than you write. These are pioneering papers which offer a partial but robust rationale (a hypothesis at the very least) for oft-belittled "audiophile" claims.

... did this study conduct controlled listening tests?

Yes. I think the experimental design is exemplary but you really have to judge that for yourself.

whenever I've listened to exactly the same master at standard and higher resolutions, "better" hasn't been at all clear.

I don't think it's what the papers are about.

but evidently he missed this issue [snip] which compares SACD and DVD-A in hundreds of blind listening tests conducted over nearly a year.

It's hard to comment on a paper without reading it (well, I for one prefer not to) but, again, you've cited references I can't afford to buy. A dialogue between a party that won't read the material and another that can't is unlikely to get far.

I provided the quote to try to stimulate discussion on a fascinating set of papers, not as a substitute for reading them. My mistake.


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Topic - 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate - Tony Lauck 19:26:14 07/26/09 ( 72)