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Computer Audio Asylum: RE: 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate by mls-stl

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RE: 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate

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To some degree, this somewhat falls in the category of the "bleeding obvious." When the standard for RBCD was developed about 30 years ago, they had to work within the technical parameters of the time. The size of the disk, sampling rate, available recording time and so on were variables that had to be juggled. The end result was a compromise.

Of course, that is true of all technologies. It is interesting to read a bit of history on the development of the 33 RPM LP in the late 1940s. The same type of tough decisions had to be made about the technical aspects. Playback time, modulation levels, equalization curves, size of the record with the minimum inner diameter, changing relative velocity of the groove under the needle and so on.

One can only work with what you have available at that time, knowing full well that at some point down the road there will be technical improvements available that cannot be easily implemented due to the standards chosen earlier. That inevitably hamstrings change and often leaves a few worthy improvements by the wayside.

Various hi-rez formats may or may not take off. While the audiophile market may wish a widespread change sooner rather than later, the only change the mass market has shown an interest in the past few years has been a lowered quality standard, not a higher one.

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Topic - 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate - Tony Lauck 19:26:14 07/26/09 ( 72)