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RE: First results from my listening test,,,

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OK, here are some news: I changed the Bios-Setting back to the original one You gave in your guide, so the more agressive settings and 1T sitched to Auto...the result: Much , much better, much more resolution in the treble, much more defined soundstage. The drive of the Audionet sounds still a bit more pronounced in the trebles, more precise but as well a little bit clinical, you can argue if the Cmp is now not the more musical experience.

So...latency is important I guess...what is you advise on that, how far could I go ? I want definetly to have the lowested latency solution possibleafter I heard the effect of this now once...whch RAM / which soundcard , which setting ?

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Topic - cMP - the open source high-end Memory Player - cics 05:42:01 12/30/07 ( 3245)