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Computer Audio Asylum: Re: oops, forgot to ask... by John Swenson

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Re: oops, forgot to ask...

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Yes you CAN use it with a stack, but you will need to decrease R20, somewhere in the 300-400 ohm range should be about right for a 8 stack. With that value you will have much less voltage drop on R20 so you could use a lower supply voltage.

I would probably also increse the current through the system to be able to handle the much larger current from the DAC, making R1 on the first CCS 80 ohms or so should do.

Also make sure you don't have the static current from the 1543s too high (you just want the minimum current to make it work since the DC offset is provided from the output stage), the kits original value of 1.2K is probably a good choice, its enough to work and not too much.

I haven't tried this stage with a stacked 1543, it should work, but I'm not sure how its going to sound relative to a single. Gordon thinks the single will sound better.

Have fun,

John S.

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Topic - USB DAC Kit (cont.) - Thermio 06:04:26 09/30/05 ( 9)