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RE: That old Dawnrazor guy is full of nutty ideas ;^ )

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It's very similar - just quite a few more strands of even thinner wire (each of which is coated with enamel).

Hey Waz I don't think it is. Sure in a general sense you are right. But what Jben did is a bit different in that the + and - conductors are separated, whereas the litz is not. IME the imaging will be very different between the 2 cables.

So here is another crazy idea. Can you try the magwire just hooking up single strands keeping the conductors separate?....if you have fairly short runs that is say 8ft or less.

What I am interested in is the imaging. YOur litz is probably better in a few areas but I would be interested to know how the magwire in that config differs from the litz in imaging.

No big deal if you cant.

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Topic - New OLD MMGs - Many Wow's - 2 big concerns - JBen 10:12:40 05/22/08 ( 44)