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RE: Razor your mags

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Hey Hoshi,

First the Radio Shack magnet wires and now Dynamat.

Thank you so much for trying both of those. I know it can look like I have lost it, but these things are the real deal. Be glad you had the courage!

The one area of weakness was the ability of my speakers to play relaxed at high volume levels. I’m not saying that they could not play loud. They just sounded a bit strained when playing rock and roll at high volume levels. I at times questioned my amps but could not convince myself that they were the culprit. The Full Razor tweak remedied this issue. My amps can now deliver what they have been trying to do for some time. The SMGa can deliver concert hall volume levels more effortlessly. I’m not saying that there is no longer room for improvement but it’s a major step in the right direction.

That is awesome Hoshi! It shows that the pole piece and frame vibration really screws things up and that the mags can be so much better than they are. I can see too that as the vibration increases there is voltage created that might mess with the amp when it is struggling the most...well at least if you hit the panel hard enough, a voltage is created when you have a meter hooked up.

When I first began to listen after the Full Razor was complete, I found that I was listening to my music at higher volume levels. The funny thing was that at first, I did not realize this because the presentation was so quiet. There was just more there as this gives you the ability to hear the nuances and minute details that can make a listen experience more intimate. Some will say that this is a trait of all Magnepan’s which I agree with, but your mod takes this to the next level.

YES!! that means that there is less distortion. Speaking of books, here is a quote from an awesome book on audio, and while a bit dated, still IMHO one of the best. From Good Sound by Laura Dearborn:

Many listeners get so used to hearing severe distortion in recorded music that it becomes a part of their expectation of how the recording ought to sound. One response is to keep turning up the volume until the system just starts to distort, in order to get back to that old (distorted) sound.

The razor and the magwire are some of the best things I know of to decrease distortion, and it really sounds like you are hearing much more. That is what this whole thing is about!

Music now comes from a much quieter background and imaging believe it or not improves as instruments have more air around them. All sounds are now much more defined and relaxed. This all makes sense as the dampening prevents the pole piece from vibrating and minimizes details from smearing into each other.

I agree Hoshi. And will go further in that I think there are 2 things going on that this tweak addresses. First off the pole piece vibrates and must add some coloration to the sound. 2nd that vibration is a double wammy in that not only does it color the sound, but as the pole pieces move so does the mylar as the magnetic field must move slightly. I think dealing with both of these is why this tweak is so dramatic!

Full Razoring your Maggie’s in my opinion is on par to hardwood frames to upgrading Magnepan’s stock crossover with better components to adding a pair on Linaeum tweeters.

I tend to agree, though I am a bit shocked. I can believe that this is on par with wood frames, but the kicker is that you ALREADY had wood frames!!! So if the improvement of the razor WITH wood frames is on par with wood frames on their own, I will put forth that the effect is actually GREATER. But the main thing is that you did both and even with the wood frames (which I for one think help) had an improvement!! All those woodies and non woodies should be doing this!

Now Hoshi, I think I have a place in my new frames for the Lineaums. I have heard them and like em. But I planned to go active and the thought of putting a passive component in the line is kind of off putting, but easy to do. Rickey tried to sell me some lineaums but I turned him down. Any idea where I could get them and how much they cost??

THANKS again for trying another of my crazy tweaks and reporting on the improvements!!!


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Topic - Razor your mags - Dawnrazor 00:52:46 06/3/10 ( 80)