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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Actually... by Ron W

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I've had 15-20 people tell me they are interested in hanging out in a DIY room at RMAF, but not one of them has said "Hey Ron, need any help with the room? Can I help you organize it?"

YES - we have 2 or 3 rooms still available. If somebody(s) wants to step forward and organize a DIY room at RMAF I'll even waive the registration fee. Total cost: $100 furniture removal fee plus $69 per night x 4 nights....plus tax.

Feel free to email me for details. I'll do what I can to help....might even throw in free Krispy Kremes and beer for breakfast! email to: marketing@audiofest.net


This post is made possible by the generous support of people like you and our sponsors:
  Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Inc.  

Topic - In the Spirit of DIY - Ron 15:16:46 08/20/04 ( 11)