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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Glad I can sit back and chuckle about this one. by Doc B.

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Glad I can sit back and chuckle about this one.

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DIYers want a show with a free room and manufacturers around to measure up against.

Manufacturers think the DIY thing is cool, but they are paying money for exposure to paying customers, and don't really see a need to support homebrewers.

Promoter has ideas, that everyone else wants to modify, and tries to keep everyone happy. But he alone has to worry about the thousands of dollars required to put the show on. So the guys paying the money tend to have more influence.

And you guys wonder why I'm fencing about VSAC 2005...

Why don't you DIYers do what the Dixie Bottleheads did at VSAC 2001 - everyone chip in and book your own DIY demo room at RMAF? You can set your own schedule, show whatever you want, do your own presentations, etc.

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Topic - In the Spirit of DIY - Ron 15:16:46 08/20/04 ( 11)