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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: I was planning on going ,But! by Steve Schell

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Re: I was planning on going ,But!

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Sorry if you've decided not to attend, Ron; I hope you will reconsider. Looks to me like there will be a few high end companies and dealers in attendence, but there will be oodles of DIY builders there. I really think it will be an interesting mix of exhibitors and attendees, really the first such crossover event.

My friend Rich and I will be exhibiting our front loaded horn system, with 15Hz. flare horn subwoofer and scratch built field coil compression drivers. We plan on launching a company soon to manufacture this stuff, but for now are just fevered hobbyists. I know several people who are in the same boat, burning the midnight oil to lash together their rigs for the show. I can't wait for October to get here!

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Topic - In the Spirit of DIY - Ron 15:16:46 08/20/04 ( 11)