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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: Steady on there, Mr. Brennan. by Israel Blume

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Re: Steady on there, Mr. Brennan.

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Very few commercially available speakers have horn bass units.The ones that do are by necessity extremely large and very expensive.Systems that use a single small driver in an attempt to avoid cone woofers (self powered or not) are severely compromised in terms of bass extension and dynamics.

The Coincident Victory speaker is an all out attempt at providing an affordable, full range, state of the art speaker in an elegantly proportioned enclosure that can be successfully driven by a SET tube amplifier with little ,if any, compromise in terms of dynamics and impact.

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Topic - Sol 5.0s and Coincident Triumph...which one should I get? - dormant 07:19:21 05/4/01 ( 19)