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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: Pouring a Tractrix Horn by waveboxes@yahoo.com

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Re: Pouring a Tractrix Horn

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I have a male mould and a female mould and have experimented with the full process of both....The use of the male mould yields a smoother finish but the resin shrinks onto the mould and is difficult to remove even with good mould release agents...It would damage the mould with each removal...
I had much better luck with the female mould , it yields a rougher surface but is easily removable and does no damage to the mould...No matter what you still have to bondo / primer/ and paint , so the rough surface is easily delt with..An easy job for any paint and body man....

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Topic - Pouring a Tractrix Horn - waveboxes@yahoo.com 13:20:05 04/17/06 ( 21)