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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: Pouring a Tractrix Horn by eso

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Re: Pouring a Tractrix Horn

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When I made my old 280Hz Round Tractrix horns, I just made a plug that was the space inside the horn and then pulled parts of that. I does work that way, but the angle of the throat coupled with the rigidity of the plug makes releasing the parts very difficult.

I'm getting started on a new mould that will begin by making an actual part and then pulling moulds off of that (1 piece for the horn flare and 2 for the outer shell). The laminated moulds have a bit of give and make releasing far easier.

How's things in Indiana (?)


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Topic - Pouring a Tractrix Horn - waveboxes@yahoo.com 13:20:05 04/17/06 ( 21)