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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: A (hopefully) quick question.... by djk

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Re: A (hopefully) quick question....

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None of the stock Eminence Delta,Kappa,etc series drivers will work.The K43Es that I have measured has Fs=31hz and Qts=.25,the TS parameters that Klipsch hands out are bogus.The EV DL15W has an Fs=30 and Qts=.23 and the JBL 2205 has an Fs=30 and Qts=.21 .After taking into consideration the dc resistance of the woofer inductor and the output impedance of the amplifier the optimum Qts for the vented LaScala would be .312 with a Vas of 10.5 cu ft and an Fs of 30hz.

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Topic - djk-split box LaScala design? - jweiss 08:56:04 11/1/00 ( 13)