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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: A (hopefully) quick question.... by -Steve

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A (hopefully) quick question....

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I've got a pair of 1977 vintage La Scalas.

I've also got a pair of Eminence Kappa 15LF's with the following T/S parameters:
Fs- 39.6Hz
Qts- .38
Re- 5.42
BL- 18.61
Sensitivity- 101dB/watt/meter

I believe them to be close to the Klipsch K-43s, except the 15LF's have a higher Re.

Will these work in the La Scala along the lines of your previous post?
I'll be using them with a SET. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I also have a couple of pairs of TAD 2001's. But thats another story. :-)

Thanks in advance,

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Topic - djk-split box LaScala design? - jweiss 08:56:04 11/1/00 ( 13)