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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: K-horns or LaScalas ? Can this mid-driver work on 511? by freddyi

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Re: K-horns or LaScalas ? Can this mid-driver work on 511?

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Hi Dennis -

I may be interested in your mid-driver mentioned - - don't presently have any horns except the Altec 511 - what can this driver do on the 511 sensitivity and response-wise assuming an adaptor exists? If not do you have horns of sutiable size to load to 400Hz or below?

I might get my buddy to saw either a pair of La Scala or Belle bass horns (his wife is very ill-so his schedule is tight)- do you have a list of your drivers/mod prices?

Also - on the fire here many year ago one K-horn burnt-up with its K-43 - do you still have K-43 and K-33 equivalents?

best regards

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Topic - djk-split box LaScala design? - jweiss 08:56:04 11/1/00 ( 13)