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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: K-horns or LaScalas ? by djk

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K-horns or LaScalas ?

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I dearly love K-horns.And for most people they are too much work to build for a 50hz horn.57 trapezoid shaped boards some with compound mitre angles.About two gross of screws and nails on edge sometimes at an angle into 1/2" plywood.A LaScala is 3/4" butt-jointed.The front 'V' can be done with a $20 brad nailer.I have a mod for LaScalas that with the stock K33E woofer will give -3dB at 31hz.With an EV DL15W a -3dB of 28hz is possible and it will be an 8 ohm load for SET fans.With the K33E it will be a C6 with less than 1dB of ripple or with the EV DL15W a maximally flat B6.The mod can be done to a stock Klipsch LaScala with no externally visible changes.I have a tweeter that fits the K77/EV T35 footprint that is +/- 2dB to 20khz instead of -5dB at 17khz.I also have a 2" throat mid driver that has 1/10 the distortion that the 5/8" throat drivers have.Any or all of these changes may be done to a stock unit.

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  Kimber Kable  

Topic - djk-split box LaScala design? - jweiss 08:56:04 11/1/00 ( 13)