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Re: Looking for good 2" compression driver??

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The TAD4001 should work fine from 400hz on up if you limit RMS power to the 15-20 watt range below 600hz (probably not too hard to approximate with a first order xover and maybe a little help from the horn flare just above cutoff).

I can't say the JBL 2445J has the 'best' native sonics, but I've got mine on the basement blasters sounding quite good with a not-precisely simple passive xover. I'm running them with B&C ME75 flat front CD horns (very similar to JBL 2380's but aluminum & 5% smaller) and crossing over at about 700hz 'quasi' first order (it's already down two or three db more @500hz compared to a simple first order), and it's running essentially flat right out to 20khz or a little better (I'm boosting to about 23 khz) with good 90 x 40 dispersion control over most of that range. I've got the horn jammed immediately above the top 15" woofer doubling as the midrange above 300hz in a 3 2226J vertical array so that vertical lobing is not a serious problem & the 20" width of the cabinet allows smooth horizontal dispersion control throughout the xover range to the woofer as well as providing some baffle step gain that the top woofer needs in the 500hz-800hz range to maintain the 101db/8 ohm nominal system efficiency in that range (along with 4db of xover boost).

I'm also continuing to experiment with my air nonlinearity compensation network. I have ordered parts for the second pass prototype (& hopefully final version) of this circuit and most initial listening tests are highly promising - frequencies above 3khz remain more distinct with less noticeable coloration when SPLs get intense - it seems to hit perceptibly harder with transient energy above 5khz and float cymbals better during dense loud passages although the one channel I have it on now might be a tad overcompensated somewhat along the lines of a new subwoofer setup in a preexisting sound system.

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Topic - Looking for good 2" compression driver?? - j.l.guillebeau@att.net 16:21:04 11/3/03 ( 21)