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Re: Looking for good 2" compression driver??

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Four hundred Hz to 22 kHz is quite a spread; offhand I don't know of any 2" horn/driver combination that can realistically cover that range in a high-power system. Among the few 2" throat drivers that can go up to 20K ballpark are the BMS 4590, TAD 4001, and Radian 950 PB (there may well be others that I haven't tried yet). You asked about a new 2" Eminence driver; I haven't heard it, but I'd be quite surprised if it has adequate energy in the top octave for a two-way such as you have envisioned. I wouldn't recommend any of the current 2" JBL drivers, as they are lacking in top-octave energy (maybe some of their older drivers do better in the top octave). Also, power handling on any of these drivers is compromised with a 400 Hz crossover; any chance you could push it up to 600?

In my experience, in a large horn the top end tends to be rather rolled off. You can put the same driver in a smaller horn with the same pattern characteristics, and it will have a more extended top end. So if you want a big horn (for a low crossover) then you either need a lot of equalization, or you need a driver with a lot of energy in the top octave. I've been playing around with some large 26" by 18" mouth constant-directivity horns (with an extremely uniform 90 degree by 40 degree pattern), and of the drivers mentioned above the Radian is probably the best match with that big horn. I've been crossing over around 600 Hz.

I personally like the idea of using a single driver from say 600 Hz on up; I have yet to hear a system with a horn super-tweeter that didn't have some integration anomalies.

Best of luck with your system!


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Topic - Looking for good 2" compression driver?? - j.l.guillebeau@att.net 16:21:04 11/3/03 ( 21)