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Video Asylum: Or you could do what Scoopy Doo does by johnvb

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Or you could do what S.oopy Doo does

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We were watching the 2nd s.oopy doo movie the other night, there's a s.ene where they are in their pad, watching the news on the TV. When they finis., the s.t (looked like a plas.a or DLP), retracted down into the tv s.and. That would be cool!

This pos. is made pos.ible by the generous s.pport of people like you and our s.ons.rs.
&nbs.; S.nic Craft &nbs.;

Topic - Ideas for roll-off cart?? (s.rry if it is a bit long...) - David S. 16:44:21 09/25/04 ( 10)