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Hi-Rez Highway: Re: results....... by DM68

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Re: results.......

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Hi Mike,

As you can imagine, your french friend, raving about this combo, is surprised.
You won't be surprised to know that I disagree with most of the comments. The result that I got on my system is far from the results that you got :

- I have been using the DAC6e with the modified Philips SACD during 2 years. I am now using the Esoteric combo since one month.

- The Esoteric, when it's not broken in is impossible to listen to. I had to use it in repeat mode during 10 days before to seriously listen to it.
The way you described it reminded me the first days of listening.

- I agree with your comments about the way cables differences won't make a "black" or "white " difference. I am sure the differences were not cables differences.

- The result that I get is simple. it's the total opposite you got. For the very first time, I am enthusiastic about a digital player. It is now close, in my system, to the Sirius III.
The soundstage, the precision, the rythm, and the instruments timbers are in my opinion, for the first time, true.
I have the feeling this combo respects what is on the record without any added colorations.

In one word, players and singers play the right note.
In comparaison, in my system, the Meitner looks like broken!
I am not the only one to have this opinion. A good friend of mine, who was raving about his Mark Levinson Transport and DACreference, told me, after 2 minutes of listening, that his ML was a toy, that the ML sound was "nice", as the esoteric sound was "true".

The Esoteric, in my oînion, is a breakthrough product. How to explain the differences of results?
I don't know. Systems differences, cables differences, can not explain eveything. I just would advise you, if you can, to listen to it, again, after having used it in repeat mode for one week.

Keep me posted.

Your friend.


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Topic - Esoteric 5-box ----Meitner shootout-----tomorrow - mikel 20:49:59 02/4/05 ( 41)