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General Asylum: There is an "absolute sound" of an electric guitar by phenderson

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There is an "absolute sound" of an electric guitar

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As with any other instrument, one can record the sound heard by the audience. As with any other instrument, one has a choice where to place the microphone, what mic to use, etc. Some live rock recordings are like this, and some are more realistic than others. The crackle, the unplanned beeps and feedback can all be recorded well or badly. When the guitar is fed directly into a recorder, however, there is no longer an original sound that can be reproduced and compared to the original. Most studio recordings are made in such a way that one can not speak of the original sound, so there is no reference. It is for that reason that acoustic music is preferred for testing the lifelike quality of systems. The essential thing is that there must be a sound -- not an electrical signal -- that is recorded and played back. Only then can one compare apples to apples and judge the degree of resemblance.

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Topic - Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?" - Steve 11:43:27 07/21/00 ( 21)