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General Asylum: Re: You answered your own question.... by Dave-A

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Re: You answered your own question....

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OK.... so I live in the wasteland.
I would like nothing more than to see/hear LA live. One of my faves for sure.

Does that change my point? I would go out on a limb and guess that her studio work still exists differently and sounds different from her live work. Do you agree?
A good system does equal justice to Laurie Anderson, Aaron Copeland, and Tricky. Is this not the REAL absolute sound?

Check Herb Reichert's review of ICL Model 1 amp in Listener Autumn 99.
He spends time on this subject, as in most of his articles.

Thanks for the example

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Topic - Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?" - Steve 11:43:27 07/21/00 ( 21)