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General Asylum: Re: Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?" by hifitommy

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Re: Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?"

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the concept of tas is 'live unamplified music', not reproduced. to get that kind of music to sound as close to that ideal is what we are to be persuing.
mostly we have to rely on our sonic memory for the comparison. now and again, someone puts on a demo such as acousitic research did back in the 60s. perhaps that would work with small scale music, but once you try to reproduce a full orchestra, major limitations arise.
arriving at a sys that can apporoximate the abs snd is a time consuming process of honing, and trial and error. for some it never stops. somewhere along the way we have to stop and enjopy the music and not obsess over the imperfections. there will always be some.

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Topic - Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?" - Steve 11:43:27 07/21/00 ( 21)