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General Asylum: Re: You answered your own question.... by Dave-A

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Re: You answered your own question....

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Not exactly Jim.

Quality in art and music involves much more than simple taste and opinion. Taste and opinion are political constructs and fall apart when applied to the arts. If not, then rap, metal, and assinine soft pop would be the finest forms of musical expression; while butchered dolls and vapid, lifeless landscapes would be the best visual art to ever emerge. Or dogs playing cards.

I think there are some absolutes, we just have to establish the correct ones. Mechanical measurements only tell us something about the sound, not the music experience. They miss the essence, the emotional component, the human part.

I think there exist two kinds of musical experiences, live and recorded. They are distinctly different.

Live music is immediate, w/o studio engineering (manipulation) and equipment interaction/ alteration (coloration). It is pure and effected only by the musicians, the venue and the other attendees. It is also transitory, only existing in the instant it is played.

Recorded music is, to some extent or another, created in the studio, sometimes utilizing recording equipment as instruments. This results in a musical expression that does not exist outside the studio, but is preserved on the recording media for replay, and wider accessibility. [John Aussie can experience the same music that I can, here in the USA.]
This music can be highly enjoyable, although no actual instrument exists as a measure of its accuracy.

Different absolute sounds.

Audio equipment should sound musical and satisfying by delivering clean clear, accurate NOTES tempos and tones at ALL times. Up mid down. I also like scale. This is the absolute sound, and it yeilds the most enjoyment of all kinds of recorded music IMO. This is where opinion and taste fit in. The broader the experience, the better.

Much luck in your search.

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Topic - Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?" - Steve 11:43:27 07/21/00 ( 21)