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General Asylum: what about standards for sound reproduction? by chris e.

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what about standards for sound reproduction?

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You know, in the HT world there has been a strong (some might argue inappropriate) influence of the ISF and Joel Kane on what is considered to be the "correct" adjustment for a projection tv set-up. This is based on grey scale measurements, luminosity, color consistency, etc. (and they are derived from various existing engineering standards dating back to the origins of television and the SMPTE). It is quite standard practice to have someone from the ISF to come and calibrate one's tv/projector to the "right set up". Yes, there are personal preferences but the industry considers that there are standards to be used. Likewise, in HT, Lucasfilm and the THX certification process is applicable for sound reproduction (among other things) so that what you hear is "what was intended" (by director, sound engineers, editor, etc).

So this leads me to ask, why don't we have such a body and set of procedures in hifi. Admittedly, there would need to be an agreement of some governing body concerning the nature of sound reproduction (e.g., what might be the "appropriate" set-up for symphonic will differ from club jazz or a rock venue) and who might be the governing body would be a challenge in and of itself.

But they do have this and this is one way that there has been a standardization of film viewing and experience. With this said, I'm not sure that I like it, and I never did get the ISF rep to "bless" my projector/HT set-up. I was happy to doodle with the convergence and settings myself with some help from a local installer. What do people think about such a possibility -- and does it already exist?

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Topic - Is there such a thing as" the absolute sound?" - Steve 11:43:27 07/21/00 ( 21)