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Re: Audio Note of Japan (KONDO)

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I commend you that you have been VERY detailed in your response. Preparation is one demonstration of seriousness. I agree that Rossini's masterpiece is but a passing remark (but it was smart).

As an Asian (but CERTAINLY NOT Japanese), and one fanatical about vintage gears, trasformer quality, yet curious about new developement, I would like to comment on a few points:

-As owner of Japanese ICL 2A3 amp, San Ei 6BM8 kit and Advance 300B amp, I have the greatest respect for the Japanese approach to DIY and tube amps in general. All the amps I own are GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY, BUT have no pretense to being the best in the world.

-I believe Kondo san to be a pivotal and significant designer and a perfectionist. Such a person is likely to demand his compensation on his own scale. It is easy to see Kondo san's grief BUT I really do not think you and ANUK have anything to be ashamed of. As owner of AN kit one, past owner of M1 preamp, passer-by of ANJ and Conqueror, observer of your new and great-value-for-money Zero series, I think you have contributed MIGHTILY to the fun of audio. I still have not built my M4 kit, but I APPALUD you that you have catered to EVERY sector of tube fans, from the dollar conscious and proud DIY people to the novice to the more experienced afficionados.

-I believe in your websites and publications you have ALWAYS acknowledged Kondo san's status. It is perhaps better that the 2 of you have split. I would love to see Kondo san's future efforts and I would love to see yours too. Keep up the effort. Economic reality is real and at once at odds with ideals.

-Having been exposed to so many kits commercial and DIY products, I think there are a lot of bad ones, but it has taught me one thing: NOTHING is the best. NOTHING is perfect. Every approach has something to say to another. An EL34 tube cannot do what a 6L6 tube can do; a PX25 cannot do what an 2A3 can do. It means NOTHING to me to say ANYTHING is the best in the world. The more I go on, the more I appreciate value. Incidentally, oversampling or not, NOTHING can beat LP.

-People can think whatever as their own, but from the gagantuan arguments on RAT and even here I can only say that if ANYONE deserves accolades the many pioneers of USA and UK of MANY years ago have done most of it, and even Kondo san is a follower and not more of an innovator.

-The ultimate test of anything is what do we consumers get. I believ BOTH of you have still more to give and that's our benefit.

-It is true people love to shoot at successful people, and that's par for the course and both of you have to bear it.

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Topic - Audio Note of Japan (KONDO) - ANJ 08:15:12 01/16/00 ( 10)