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General Asylum: Re: Audio Note of Japan (KONDO)- authentic products... by Justin Benn

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Re: Audio Note of Japan (KONDO)- authentic products...

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I am concerned to disocover that Audio Note UK does not have your complete blessing regarding their use of your name: all this time I had assumed, like many I'm sure, that Peter Qvortrup etal. were at one with your efforts in audio, only to find out that they are taking advantage of your highly esteemed reputation. I know of another company who is outraged that Audio Note UK have usurped their position as progenitors of the digital filterless dac, amongst other things.

Where can one find your presence on the web? I'm most interested to learn more of your products, especially any loudspeakers you may produce, and whether or not they are presently available in the UK.


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Topic - Audio Note of Japan (KONDO) - ANJ 08:15:12 01/16/00 ( 10)