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General Asylum: Re: Audio Note of Japan (KONDO) by Pam

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Re: Audio Note of Japan (KONDO)

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Konnichiwa Kondo sama,

I totally do not understand international law. Does this mean that Mr. Qvortrup can sell his own products in the USA under the "Audio Note" name, even if you, or your technical staff, have not reviewed or approved his designs? Also, does this mean that you would be prevented from selling your own products in the US using your own "Audio Note" company name? If this is true, then this is a form of trademark piracy and you have every right to be annoyed (and we appreciate you informing us of this so we will not be fooled). It could cause much confusion if you both sold different products using the same name here... if he sold good products, then it may make your company look good, but if he sold bad products then it might reflect poorly on your company. It would, at least, cause confusion with customers trying to get things repaired by the wrong company, and this would not be good. Perhaps you should register "KONDO" all over the world to prevent problems like this in the future?
dewa matane

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Topic - Audio Note of Japan (KONDO) - ANJ 08:15:12 01/16/00 ( 10)