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General Asylum: Re: John E didn't know the meaning of indelicate... by Algonquin J. Calhoun

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Re: John E didn't know the meaning of indelicate...

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"but since John E was such a well-known and recognised member of the AA Bored, not the least reason being for his posting style, is an explanation or further details likely to be forthcoming?"

Because of the intense demands on his time from the R&D department of Mothra Research, and the pressing need to repair Jasmine's industrial strength electrolysis machine before the goddamn hair on her back resembles Austin Powers' chest, John E resigned from AA's Bored, effective yesterday morning. I'm sure that, like myself, you'll wish him well in his new life.

"but is the warranty on my Listening Shoes still good,"

Unfortunately, none of Mothra's Listening Shoe purchasers returned their warranty cards before the six hour time limit had expired. But, a program has been established that will offer a deep discount on new heels with the full price purchase of half soles and horseshoe taps.

"who'll be designing the fall styles?"

Not being as skillful with a needle, thread, and polyester as John was, I'm afraid I'll be unable to be of assistance. Besides that, the laws against child labor and sweat shops have pretty much put his line of fashions out of business anyway. Such a pity, a genius cut down at the peak of his creativity.

TIA for enduring him as long as you have.

Holy mackerel,
Algonquin J. Calhoun

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Topic - Moniker change - Algonquin J. Calhoun 16:23:53 08/10/01 ( 28)