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General Asylum: Re: UPS claim dispute Step4:The Worm Turns by hifinutt

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Re: UPS claim dispute Step4:The Worm Turns

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Hey brother, why are playing the UPS masterbation game? You were right to give the "Process" a chance, but by now it should be painfully clear to you they have given you the big okey doke.
About 4 years ago I shipped an amp to a buyer in Tennessee and of course UPS damaged the heat sinks. I took the amp back, and went through the same BS you did. It went on, and on. Well here in California we have Small Claims Courtrs. $5,000. max, no lawyers allowed, just you vs. "Them." I filed an action against them, total cost was $26.00 and had my son serve the summons at the local UPS counter. About a week before the court date I received a check in the mail for the full insured amount. I was thinking of still proceeding to make them come up with the $26.00 court cost, but I decided to get as far away from these pricks as possible. Oh I almost forgot, no one ever came for the damaged amp. I sent it back to Magnum Dynalab and had the damaged heat sinks replaced, and then sold it. Moral of the story: If your state has some type of "Small Claims Court" don't waste a minute more. File an action. All you have to do is tell your story to the judge, produce your "Proof" (what ever you showed that so called adjuster) and let the court decide. I think you will be pleasently surprised by the outcome.

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Topic - UPS claim dispute Step4:The Worm Turns - YECH 15:33:22 10/5/05 ( 21)