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General Asylum: Absolutely! THANKS,brother rats! by mr.bear

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Absolutely! THANKS,brother rats!

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My entire system is made of my friends (wealthier, bachelors mostly) castoffs and eBay stuff that averages maybe 15 years old, weighted by dollar value. I know you "young people" think we used stone axes to beat on rocks to make music 15 years ago, but I was actually ALIVE way back then and the hi-end stereo was freakin' georgeous.

I have the *SYSTEM OF MY DREAMS*, dreamt circa 1981, and am happy as the dancing bears... My system is optimized for vinyl playback using equipment that was designed and built in the Golden Age of vinyl by Nelson Pass, Jim Thiel, John Curl etc. You stand on the shoulder of giants, while I sit with them in the living room! Bwaahhhahahahah!

Attention: Please discard your digital front ends soon, I feel the need to upgrade there from the horrible obselete antiques from 1999 I own now, maybe in a few years.

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Topic - The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it? - NonA 06:49:54 01/2/04 ( 30)