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General Asylum: There's a simple solution to such problems by Sean

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There's a simple solution to such problems

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That is, educate yourself and put that education to work for you. After all, an educated consumer is the best consumer. That is, unless you are someone selling snake oil.

Do the necessary research to find suitable products for your application at the best prices possible and purchase those items. Once you've got the items and become familiar with what to expect out of them i.e. their strong and weak points, modify them in accordance. This is both FAR more cost effective and personally rewarding. This will also provide you with a product that will at least compete with or beat far more costly products.

Most of the advances in audio have not been in the field of technology, but in the quality of parts available to build better sounding products with. So long as you select a product that is based on a well thought out design, most anybody can purchase and replace the existing parts with those of better quality.

As such, you can either keep taking the advice of those that promote product sales and market turn-over or invest your money in a product and work to achieve the best results that you can with that specific product. My experience shows me that the latter is much better in most every respect, but most people opt for the first choice. That is, until they get fed up, give up and live with what they've got or learn the hard way that the second option would have been better, cheaper and more rewarding all along. Cut your costs now and start doing your homework. Sean

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Topic - The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it? - NonA 06:49:54 01/2/04 ( 30)