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General Asylum: Fishing by Jon L

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Ah, yes. I love fishing also. Only problem is I can't go fishing (or go to concerts, jazz clubs, etc) every day of the week.

I agree most of "TV" is crap, but one can find occasional jewel to watch, something you would never have bought or rented otherwise.

Watching a great movie on DVD IS something most people enjoy, but if you don't, well that's one less thing in the world that brings you joy.

My original point is to take some time off from thinking about Audio all the time here and there. Do something else that you enjoy (AV being one easy option you can do every day), and come back to your beloved music refreshed.

The price of AV equipment vs. Audio equipment does raise some serious questions, I'm afraid.

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Topic - The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it? - NonA 06:49:54 01/2/04 ( 30)