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General Asylum: Audio rat race? by Joe Blow

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Audio rat race?

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It's the same everywhere.

Home Theater: My current gripe-They haven't even got how to connect a hi-def source to a hi-def display worked out yet. Take your pick: Component, VGA, DVI-A, DVI-D, Firewire, and the up and comming new serial interface (forget what they call it this week). Makes it maddening trying to decide on a TV that has a reasonable chance of lasting more than 3 or 4 years.

Cars: New models, new features every year, some times on the half year.

Computers: Just when you think you understand it, it will be all different next month.

Photography: Wholy smokes, in the last two years there have probably been more camera introductions than in the last 100 years.

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Topic - The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it? - NonA 06:49:54 01/2/04 ( 30)