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General Asylum: The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it? by NonA

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The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it?

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the audio industry has perfected the art of expension by the fewest engineering unit of progress. Adding only one bit of progress at a time to warrant the renewal of your system with a turnover of about 6 months a pop. For ex., BM for Hirez format was non-existant at 1st, than introduced in its fully digital form with channel time delay, etc., analog out to propriatery to hi bit rate, DVDV to DVDA to DVDA+, SACD to SACD2, stock to modd, every speaker knows a slight upgrade in parts and design every yr or so (even though the advantages were known to begin with), 2 ch to 5.1 to 7.1, hirez to blu ray and HD DVD (and yet other likely formats).

The hirez formats were my last leg in that rat race, whatever the heck they come up with, Ive decided to set the pace for a simpler system and only upgrade in quality rather than follow the tech. least bit of eng progress. a true breakthrough only comes, perhaps, once every 10 yrs, and then takes about 5 yrs to mature. There is no point to have any turnover of 1/2, 1 or even 2 yrs given the pace of innovation and maturation...unless we want to be taken for a ride.

Do you think theres a conscious effort by the audio industry to package evry so tiny bit of new hardware and have constant upgrade/"improvments" to push the consumer into a rat race?

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Topic - The rat race in audio...anyone sick of it? - NonA 06:49:54 01/2/04 ( 30)