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General Asylum: Re: Well.... by jeff mai

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Re: Well....

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> > I suppose it is up to the end user to decide which amplifier sounds best to him or her. < <

Yes, it is and that is really *all* there is to it. Passing further judgement presumes you know what I hear when I listen to my system. If you choose to make this presumption, I've got two words for you...

> > But it seems you are saying that you realize that in reproducing the audio signal and amplifying it, the tube amplifier is introducing distortion - but you still like it? < <

It is introducing distortion, but I can't hear distortion. I'd hate to say that no one would hear the distortion, but I don't think anyone would. I think I like it in spite of its flaws, not because of them.

> > If so, that is fine, each person has different tastes and preferences. But, how would that disprove his test of all amplifiers sounding the same? Basically are you not saying that the SET amplifier would fail against a transistor based one, due to its high distortion? < <

I'm not saying that. You are saying that and he would say that. To my knowledge absolutely *no one* has taken the time to demonstrate that the reason many people prefer SET amplifiers is specifically due to the measured flaws. They point to the measured flaws and to studies showing that some people prefer 2nd harmonic distortion added to music and the high output impedance interacting with speaker impedance, etc., and then claim the science backs them up and that's as far as it goes. Would you like being put in jail because your description matches a criminal?

Although I've not tried it, all the tests I've heard of that attempted to duplicate the SET sound by adding distortion to a SS amp have failed. Seems it isn't so simple as that.

Have a look here for a different point of view:


> > I realize that tube amplifiers are loved by many, but if its distortion is higher than a fet based amp, why use one if you are looking for the ultimate in audio REPRODUCTION? < <

Because it sounds more realistic in its reproduction than a FET based amp to my ears in my system. How can you argue with that?

> > I would assume that the least amount of change to the original audio source would be wanted in HI FI. < <

Yes, I'd say that's possibly true at a system level. It isn't so important at a component level because you can't listen to a component in isolation.

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Topic - A question for Mr. John Curl - Jerry Parker 08:13:41 08/4/02 ( 51)