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Films/DVD Asylum: Re: Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time: by Simon Templar

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Re: Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time:

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As posted by CornDog71:

> I'm a pretty easy going guy. I give movies more than one chance to
> impress me. But each of my 3 attempts to watch 2001 put me to sleep
> or bored me so much I turned it off!

Not to be taking swings at CornDog, but this was truly spoken as one who did not see 2001 at the proper time nor in the proper manner.

Indeed that is what makes such topics as this so subjective. To be true to the subject, one must take into account the times in which each film was made/released...not only in terms of society as a whole, but also when compared to other films of the time. I honestly feel this an idea which is lost on a great many people.

I quite agree....were 2001 to be new released today, it would not even rate a snoozer. And, seen on a typical television screen, it's even worse.

But, in 1963/4....viewed in a CinemaScope theatre and in the society that existed then...it was a real achievement. There was no question that this was a spectacular film. Although it has been nearly 40 years ago, I very clearly remember seeing this film. I remember the film...I remember the theatre...I remember it all. It was a film that wowed like no other. How many films can you say that about...especially 40 years removed?

Therefore, with the above in mind and for those reasons, my votes go to:

a) 2001

b) Metropolis (the 1926 Fritz Lang version)

Once upon a time, I'd hoped dearly that I would have been able to put "Starship Troopers" on such a list....but ultimately Verhooven would have been better advised to film a train wreck.

He clearly had no understanding of the book. I've no doubt that Heinlein is, to this day, STILL spinning in his grave. Verhooven took a considered political statement...and turned it into nothing more than cartoon pablum. A herd of chimpanzees armed with box brownies would have done a better service.

A real pity.


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Topic - Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time: - tinear 10:49:15 05/9/02 ( 56)