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Films/DVD Asylum: Re: Superb movie! by Victor Khomenko

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Re: Superb movie!

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Is it SF? Perhaps not in a simplistic sense. But I was put in that mood by the list of offerings here. Is Star Wars a SF? Hardly. What is so scientific about it? It was my impression that most films mentioned here would actually be better described as fantasies.

I admit to not having read a sci-fi novel in decades, but I still recall the better ones of the day moving from the tech talk to philosoply, the human element. In that context I could easily see the Kobo Abe novel fit right in.

I recall actually being irritated by the novels like that, that would be included in the Sci-Fi libraries, as back then I was still firmly in the ray gun and space travel camp.

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    Topic - Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time: - tinear 10:49:15 05/9/02 ( 56)