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Films/DVD Asylum: 2001= *YAWN* Star Wars is the best! by Corndog71

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2001= *YAWN* Star Wars is the best!

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I'm a pretty easy going guy. I give movies more than one chance to impress me. But each of my 3 attempts to watch 2001 put me to sleep or bored me so much I turned it off!

Say what you want about Star Wars but imo it's the best. Of course I've been a fan since ANH came out. I also liked TPM quite a lot, including Jar Jar. I saw Artificial Inteligence recently and felt Speilberg and Kubrick had a fascinating vision of the future. Contact also is one of my favorites.

Rob C

The world was made for people not cursed with self-awareness

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Topic - Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time: - tinear 10:49:15 05/9/02 ( 56)