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Films/DVD Asylum: Re: Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time: by caa

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Re: Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time:

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the greatest of all time is too daunting a task. In my humble scientific opinion, 40 years from now a bunch of guys will sit at home with their 100ghz machines powered completely and only by battery and sarcasm. They will talk about greatest science fiction of all time; and A few will nomitate Steven Spieldberg's AI: Artificial Intelligence. They will be immediately bombarded with elitist accusations for nominating art films, which otherwise aren't that exciting.

For me, it's 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, or anything by Jules Verne. Others are fun, but these pieces of literature really stretched my imagination.

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Topic - Greatest Science Fiction movie of all time: - tinear 10:49:15 05/9/02 ( 56)