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Digital Drive: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors by AndrewH

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M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors

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I use an M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 sound card in my computer, which I use to output S/PDIF to a Monarchy DIP before a Dan Wright modified MSB Link3 DAC. My modified MSB Link3 probably sounds quite similar to your Gold Link, sounding better than the sound card's analog outputs in pretty much the same way you describe.

That said, the M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 sound card's analog outputs are pretty smooth sounding and enjoyable, better than mid-fi components like SoundBlaster.

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Topic - REVIEW: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors - jonbee 17:16:42 11/16/02 ( 12)