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Digital Drive: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors by Todd Krieger

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M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors

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"Requires adaptors for single-ended outputs, as it only takes 1/4" mic plugs."

No different from the ART DI/O in this regard. Except the M-Audio Super DAC 2496 also has balanced outputs, so one could also try XLR-to-RCA adapters as well.

You should try the Calrad adapters (Model 35-487), which have Teflon dielectrics. Works great with the DI/O and should do likewise with the M-Audio DAC. (See link.)

I'm thinking about doing a shootout between this DAC, the ART DI/O, and the Chanel Islands VDA-1, in the not-too-distant future.

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Topic - REVIEW: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors - jonbee 17:16:42 11/16/02 ( 12)