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Digital Drive: Re: To paraphrase... by Todd Krieger

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Re: To paraphrase...

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"To make sure I understand: Are you saying that if you play the first 15 seconds of the first track of CD, then jump back to the beginning of the first track, the first track---and the rest of the CD---should sound better?"

It does not necessarily have to be the first track- Just play 15 seconds of any track, and then use the backward or forward "skip" keys to go to the desired track. As long as you do not use the numeric keypad afterward or the player does is not stopped (by either the user or reaching the end of the CD), each track that plays will have the improved effect.

"Or, in order to get the full benefit of the tweak, should I do the back-and-forth thang on every track?"

You just have to do it once, as long as you do not use the numeric keypad afterward or stop the player.

For example, play the first track for 15 seconds, use the backward skip key to return to the beginning of the first track, and you can play the entire album continuously in the "improved" mode.

Another example- If you want to play tracks 4, 13, and 7 in that order, you can play track 3 for 15 seconds, use the forward "skip" key to play track 4, when track 5 begins hit the forward skip key repeatedly until the player reaches track 13 (use of the numeric keypad to play track 13 will make the player revert to the "bad" mode), and when track 13 is finished, use the backward skip key repeatedly until you reach track 7.

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Topic - Pinging Jerome Lang... I Verified Your Findings on "Track Selection" - Todd Krieger 13:22:30 06/8/03 ( 33)