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Digital Drive: Re: Toshiba SD4960 as a CD source by Pinco Pallino

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Re: Toshiba SD4960 as a CD source

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I am surprised you heard differences between digital outs. I have compared the digital outs of about a dozen different CD and DVD players ranging from $45 to S1k and found absolutely no difference in sound.
I agree that CDs played with digital outs into Behringers surpass SACDs and DVD-As. For me, the hi-rez formats are a dead fish in the water because they have no hi-rez digital out.

As regards your Behringer I would suggest to stop multi-channeling and replace the DCX with a DEQ digitally into a cheapo Panasonic XR 70 or 50. It will make you forget your analog Marantz environment.

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Topic - Toshiba SD4960 as a CD source - Presto 16:47:43 11/11/05 ( 23)