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Digital Drive: Re: Oppo 970 or Toshiba 3990? by PeAK

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Re: Oppo 970 or Toshiba 3990?

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Just running stock, I took a few days to warm up to lower soundstage but a few simple things seem to really open up the sound besides burn-in (just leave a CD inside the tray):

  1. Placing a thin large hardcover book on top
  2. Terminating co-axial and composite video jacks with 75 ohms
  3. Disconnecting the video out from S-video...yes, No Lucinda videos.

More details, here

The output stage of the 3950 was single supplied and the sonics were heavily dependent upon the quality of the electrolytics...there are none in the signal path with the 3990. The unit is a real sleeper...


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Topic - Oppo 970 or Toshiba 3990? - bluenose 14:33:22 01/10/07 ( 11)