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Digital Drive: Re: I can't believe that by koscsof1@t-email.hu

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Re: I can't believe that

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No, I do not.

If you have seen the link and the brief summary of my system, I said I was using the wall wart supply until I connected the external clock to the fw-spdif converter, since this time I am using power from the Macbook through the 6-pin FW connector and I am using the Macbook from its batteries when I can. I know it is not the same like the direct battery power, but works very well for me. I do not know why, but this way my system sounds more transparent, with better resolution.

To be honest it sounds so musical I just lost any interest to squeeze 0.1% more sound from it. Just does not matter for me. I can imagine you are right with the battery supply suggestion and many thanks fro it, but I do not feel the pressure to get another experiment.

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Topic - updates/reports on Altmann Attraction DAC? - Chuck 12:21:59 07/17/06 ( 19)