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Digital Drive: overrated by miffy

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I think both Stereophile and the Tjoeb are overrated :)
Magazines like Stereophile are not helping audiophiles in the search for a magic sound, on the contrary they're creating and maintaining prejudices on whats good, if they would be open-minded and honest, you'd see a lot of other stuff reviewed. Imagine that they encounter a product which is clearly better and cheaper than their top recommendations, I don't think they'll want that on top of everything in a new class, it would cause problems with advertisers and unhappy readers which bought expensive but now inferior stuff (those people who don't trust their own ears). It's more likely that they'll look for a reason to keep such a product out of class-A (indeed there's more interesting stuff in class-B).

The Tjoeb is a good player for it's money, much better than a standard Marantz, but still nothing spectacular. The Tjoeb with upsampler changes it into a different player with a cleaner sound, but it's too sterile sounding for my tastes (like many CD stuff). Imo there are better players for the money, listen to a modified Music Hall Audio CD-25 (not perfect but ok for the price). But I think cheap DVD-players are much more interesting to modify as a CD-player (and/or SACD/DVD-A), some have a balanced DAC which can be directly connected to an output transformer.

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Topic - Njoe Tjoeb 4000 review in latest Stereophile - opinions? - Chrome 07:38:08 11/5/03 ( 21)