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Digital Drive: Re: VRS Revelation Audio Playback system by Vincent VRS

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Re: VRS Revelation Audio Playback system

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Obviously, you know nothing of my systems Tony. First of all I would like to see anyone build this type of system for 2000.00 or less. Not only do you get the computer with my system. It also includes a 15in LCD and bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse. Also, remote control to provide functionality and use with custom interface. You guys assume that im just buying cheap parts and putting it in a gorgeous case. ( By the way that case you see on my website cost me 525.00 and up). I guess you think that im getting rich off this. Tell you what, if you can build the same system for 2000.00 dollars exactly like mine, and have it sound equal or better than mine, I will personnally buy it from you.

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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)